CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY 2024 - We Provide the Money, You Provide the Miracle.®
As a kid growing up I remember hearing about a family down the street who provided a big Secret-Santa style Christmas for another family on our street. I remember thinking that was so incredibly cool. I knew of other kids in the neighborhood who I would have loved to provide Christmas presents for, but my family didn't have extra money lying around either. The idea for this giveaway has been burning in my mind for 30 years. Last year, we were able to sponsor nearly 100 of you in St. George so you could go provide Christmas cheer to families in need. This year marks the 12th year of our Christmas Giveaway, "We Provide the Money, You Provide the Miracle."
We know that many people in St. George would love to provide a Secret-Santa Christmas for a family in need. Sometimes we could all use some extra funds to be able to help others even more. We'd love to help you do that. We provide the money, you provide the miracle.® Our hope is that together, we can team up to do something special for some local families each year. We need your help to find them. Please remember to hit share after you have submitted the form below. You are not required to share anything on social media in order to enter the contest, however, we would very much appreciate you helping us spread the word so we can reach more families in need here in Southern Utah. We will randomly select and contact our winners on Monday, December 16, 2024.
In 2021, we started inviting other local businesses to donate to this cause so we could help even more families. With the help of our sponsors, some of which are listed below, we were able to help a total of 40 families in 2021 50 in 2022, and in 2023 we were able to help nearly 100 families! In 2024, together, we hope to be able to help more local families than ever before. Winnings will be given out in $300 increments per family, that way you can purchase a variety of toys, clothing, food, etc. We will be contacting those who nominated others. From there, it's up to you to let us know if you would like us to contact the family in need directly, or whether you would like to come pick up the winnings and go handle the fun part yourself.
DEADLINE TO ENTER IS 9:00 a.m. Monday 12/16/2024. WINNERS CONTACTED 12/16/2024.
- Fill out the form below and tell us a bit about the family you want to surprise.
- We would love it if you would also share this opportunity on Facebook or Instagram so we can help as many local families as possible. Thank you!
We know that sometimes those who have the least actually want to give the most. Merry Christmas from all of us here at McMullin Injury Law, and a special thank you to some of our donors listed below. Their generosity enables us to provide money to way more families than we could on our own.