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Kacee C. Weldin - Mcmullin Injury Law St. George Utah

Kacee Cardon

- Paralegal -

Kacee Cardon is a skilled paralegal who has worked in the personal injury field since 2007. Every client loves Kacee. She spends a great deal of her time at the office handling the endless stacks of paperwork, medical records, and correspondence generated by personal injury cases. Kacee is the best in the industry at what she does.

Her common sense and attention to detail are appreciated every day at our office. Most importantly, she makes sure that our clients are informed on the progress of their individual cases. When Kacee steps in between you and a problem you are facing, the problem goes away. Her intellect and her compassion for other human are unmatched. There is nothing better than seeing the emotions of relief that overtake a clients face after Kacee took things over and made things right.

Kacee was born and raised in Washington, Utah right next door to St. George where our office is located. She graduated from Pine View High School and completed her Associate of Science degree at Dixie State University. Not only does she work at our law firm, she is almost done with coursework for her Bachelors of Psychology Degree, also from Dixie State. Kacee is the mother to a spunky and energetic little boy.

When she’s not working for clients, doing homework or spending time with her son, Kacee runs marathons—for fun! She’s worn through more sets of shoes than she can count as she’s trained for and completed eleven full marathons (26.2 miles each!) and countless half marathons.


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