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What does PIP cover?

When a car accident happens and injuries are involved, the amount of doctor appointments, medical bills, and missed work can really pile up and leave the victim overwhelmed.  Utah is what is known as a no-fault car insurance state. Under a no-fault system, in the event of a car accident, your own car insurance coverage, referred to as personal injury protection or PIP coverage, will pay for any medical treatment and other financial losses sustained by those covered under the policy, up to the set limits of the policy, despite who is at fault for the incidentThe state of Utah mandates that all drivers have a minimum of $3,000 in no-fault PIP coverage, but insured policy holders can increase their benefit up to $100,000 in coverage.What does PIP coverage pay for?

  1. Medical Benefits – if you sustained injuries during an auto accident, the personal injury protection will likely first step in to cover expenses. Be advised, that PIP will pay for which ever bills get submitted first. This doesn’t mean that it will ensure the first appointment or procedure after an incident is paid, but goes based off a first-come-first-paid submission process. Once the $3,000 limit is reached, you’ll receive a notice of PIP in exhaust, which is a log of all medical claims submitted, which were paid and where need to be paid by other sources.

Just so you know, you can see any doctor for your medical coverage. While, certain insurance companies might have a recommendation or preference of provider, you have the right to see which ever medical provider you choose. Unlike health insurance, a medical provider does not need to be “in network” for PIP coverage to apply. Because this benefit is available, no matter how small or large the car accident, you can and should be evaluated by a doctor and know exactly what the repercussions may be from the accident. Injuries as a result of an accident should be assessed and dealt with instead of ignored or tolerated.

  1. Lost Income – Your lost wages can be covered if you have to miss work because of an accident. In order for your lost wages to be reimbursed you will need to submit an employer authorization stating the amount of work that was missed. And a note from a medical doctor stating that you cannot work. PIP can pay up to $250 per week in lost wages under Utah law.
  2. Household Services – PIP coverage has the added benefit of paying for essential household service. If this help is needed, Personal Injury Protection Benefits can pay up to $20 per day for help around the house.
  3. Funeral and/or Survivor Benefits – If an individual dies in a fatal car crash, PIP and other insurance benefits can assist in covering the loss of the individual. For more information about how this benefit works, it’s best to talk with an attorney to discuss your situation as a wrongful death suit may also apply.

The benefit of PIP coverage is that Utah is a no-fault state, meaning it doesn’t matter if you or another driver causes an accident, the coverage is there to all. Now, if you are not at fault, the at-fault party’s insurance will reimburse your insurance company paid out PIP coverage. Your car insurance rates should not increase because you used your PIP coverage. If you have questions regarding an accident and how to get expenses covered, call our office. We can help!